We are a Christ-centered, church affiliated with the NALC
The true light of this world is Jesus and we, here at Nazareth, are trying to help each one of us look more like our Savior.
The true light of this world is Jesus and we, here at Nazareth, are trying to help each one of us look more like our Savior.
Even though we might be small in number, we are large in Spirit because He lives! God has done great things through our church family. Come see what you can discover through the acts of serving others. Check out our events page to see what's going on during this exciting post pandemic time.
Nazareth was founded in 1778 and has a rich history of spreading the true message of the Gospels. Come be a part of our journey.
Worship Service starts at 11:00 am and all are welcome to join us each Sunday morning. Special songfest on the first Sundays of each month At Village Care Assisted Living in King starting at 9:45 am.
Check out our Events page for things going on here at Nazareth! We are very excited about the plans for Nazareth in 2025! From bingo nights to mid-week services during Advent and Lent. Join us any Sunday morning for our 11:00 am service!
Nazareth started in 1778 and has lasted through multiple wars, presidents, economic downfalls, and even structural fires. The story God is telling through us is obviously not done yet. Come join us and learn about being closer to God.
The NALC is a church family committed to the authority of the Bible as the inspired Word of God. We believe all doctrines should and must be judged by the teaching of Scripture. The NALC has embraced four core values which shape our common life: Christ-Centered, Mission-Driven, Traditionally-Grounded, and Congregationally-Focused.
Please feel free to call on us anytime for any reason and if you are looking for a church home we encourage you to come and experience all we have to offer. "Come as you are!" There's no dress code. Some of us dress up. Others wear jeans and go casual. We welcome all and always point to God's Word for guidance!
Copyright © 2025 Nazareth Lutheran Church - All Rights Reserved.